
The essential guide to teleworking.
The “Rich dad, poor dad”, the “Clean Code”, the “Bible” of remote work.

RUBEN Blanco

I discovered many new best practices in the guide that made me change the way I do several things I was doing wrong.


I was surprised by the way it deals with relationships within the same team, with customers, and suppliers while teleworking.
I realized that I had unresolved issues!

Ruben Coll


The book deals in a comprehensive and practical way with all the issues that affect remote performance, from organizational aspects to the way we interact within the team.

The remote work guide contains a renewed and current approach on how to work remotely using today’s tools and methodologies

It is the sum of many particular cases of the author throughout all his years of experience in different companies and countries. You will be able to apply all its content to your work. It is valid for any profession, regardless of the sector or position.

All chapters are always supported by data, tables, graphs, and extremely useful examples for those who are going to venture into this world for the first time. It is also for managers and companies to discover success stories and best practices when implementing remote work.

After reading this book, you will surely draw valuable conclusions and take a step further on the road to excellence in the workplace.